Independence day are almost the same in Mexico and Costa Rica, just 21 years later, what a funny coincidence, don't you think?
In Mexico there is a scream (?) for the Independence, as the Father Hidalgo did 200 years ago, by saying Viva la Independencia! and many other things, so the fight starts, actually, he did't say Independence, because the cause was to get better rights for the
criollos, the Spanish born in Mexico, who didd't had political power. Also 100 years ago the Revolution start, so, in Mexico this year was a big party, and many of us are unhappy about all the public money that was spent on this. How ever, I wish I could be there, because I miss my Country so much.
In Costa Rica the received the news that they were a free Nation, but there was no fight, in those days Costa Rica belonged to Guatemala, with all the other countries between the two, and were called Capitanía de Guatemala; they were ruled by Mexico, and so the fight consist on gain independence from it.
On September 14th, they celebrated the Freedom Torch by represent it by school kids that walk with one on the streets, later, they have a parade with handmade paper lamps, it's pretty cool, we made one this year.
The big parade starts on September 15th at 8:30, as there is no army in Costa Rica, is the school kids who participate with the flag, dancing and bands. We only went for a little while, since my kiddo was ill.
Here you can see more pictures and videos, my favorite one is with the
crazy drummer.