Foot injured after 14 days

At least we will have classes again, and that makes me happy to see what will come up today.
On the other hand I'm excited because I entered the Sew Liberated Christmas exchange, have you seen the box on the right side?, I've been thinking if we could make for Spanish bloggers.
The exchange is to do:
a Christmas ornament made by hand (any technique)
Christmas recipe
and the description of a Christmas tradition in our family.
Then you send the package to your friend that could be anywhere in the world.
I really like Christmas, I've seen different types of exchanges in other blogs, so we could make our version what do you think? What we put together? Do you suggest?
We can also modify it, proposals?
I will wait for your answers to see if we can pursue, we must move quickly to have ready the packages on time, is not my intention to copy Sew Liberated, I just thought that we have no space on blogs and in Spanish, and we can take advantage of cultural diversity we have among all the latino countries and Spain, and even more Spanish speakers who live in countries with a different language.
I leave the link of the Holiday Traditions Exchange pictures here, they are very pretty.
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